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How to Support Us

As a not for profit organisation, we need support from the public and corporate members of our communities to allow us to make our roads safer. Essentially, your support will directly make a real difference to the safety of all families.


There are two ways that you can help us. You could become a Foundation Member for as little as $25.00 per year or, if you own a business or have an ABN, you could become a Foundation Partner.


MEMBERSHIP – Simply transfer $25.00 (or more if you like) to our Foundation account BSB 633 000  Acct No. 162722391, email us with your details and payment reference and we will add you to our members list.


As well as receiving newsletters and updates, members will be invited to our AGM and any other meetings that we host. We are also aiming to be able to offer members discounts from companies from around Australia.

FOUNDATION PARTNERSHIPS – Companies and ABN holders will be able to benefit from a charitable tax return if they donate into our Foundation Enterprise Account. Contact us and discuss your intended level of support and we will create an invoice for you. Once paid, your charitable donation receipt will be sent to you for your tax records. We are aiming to create four levels of partnerships depending on donations;


Platinum Partner – $10,000 and above.

Benefits; A dedicated page on our website, Company description and branding on our Partners page, brand exposure at Foundation events, direct link from our page to your website, Certificate of Appreciation.


Gold Partner – $,5000 – $9,999.

Benefits; Company description and branding on our Partners page, brand exposure at Foundation events, direct link from our page to your website, Certificate of Appreciation.


Silver Partner – $1,000 – $4,999.

Benefits; Company description and branding on our Partners page, direct link from our page to your website, Certificate of Appreciation


Bronze Partner – up to $999.

Benefits; Recognition on our Partners page, Certificate of Appreciation (on request).




​​​Our Foundation needs your help and will value your donation, no matter what size it is. Sadly, life changing tragedies on our roads are mostly avoidable. Our promise is to use your funds to create, deliver and support programs that will prevent future heartache suffered by too many families.

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